Disclaimer De Klok Banden B.V.

In this disclaimer, De Klok Banden B.V. sets out the conditions under which the information provided on www.deklokbanden.com is offered.


Intellectual property

The information provided shall not be copied, distributed, or used or exploited in any other manner. The information presented on this website may only be re-used with the express permission of De Klok Banden B.V. Re-use of any text, photographic materials or other materials on this website without the express written permission of De Klok Banden B.V. is prohibited. De Klok Banden B.V. reserves all associated intellectual property rights.


No guarantee of accuracy

De Klok Banden B.V. makes every effort to ensure that the prices provided on this website are accurate and as intended. Any inaccuracies arising from technical or typographical errors shall under no circumstance result in any contractual obligations or agreements to which a claim can be made or assumed.


De Klok Banden B.V. strives to maintain the most up-to-date website as possible. If, despite every effort, the information or content on this website proves to be incomplete or incorrect, De Klok Banden B.V. cannot be held responsible.


The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. De Klok Banden B.V. retains the right to adjust, remove or reinsert these materials without any prior notice. De Klok Banden B.V. cannot be held responsible for the information contained on other websites that may be referred to via hyperlink.